The user is asked to make use of his judgement before consuming the water provided by the points referenced on the app.
Informations given by Eaupen are given free of charge but does not involve the non-profit organization Eaupen or its providers. In particular, Eaupen makes no guarantee whatsoever concerning the exact accuracy of the waterpoints location, their availability, or the quality of the water available which remains the sole responsibility of the community, entity or company providing that water.
The content offered on this app is provided free of charge by Eaupen, a non-profit organization under the French law of 1901. Concerning the content based on data provided by third parties, Eaupen can not be held responsible for its inaccuracy.
Eaupen, non-profit organization (French law of 1901)
c/O Gobilab, 23 rue Blondel, 75002 Paris
Publication Manager : Florence Baitinger
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix, France
The website and the apps FreeTaps have been developed by Joséphine Calandra, Elias Karam, Patxi Luzu, Claire Mielcareck, Thomas Seignette et Joris Truong, computer science engineering student at the Graduate School of Engineering ENSEIRB-MatMeca, member of Bordeaux-INP.
The "Open Data" is the ability for any citizen to have access to the data collected by the local authorities as part of their work. No personal data on the citizens themselves but the statistical data which helps understand how local communities work.
This "freedom of the public data" mouvement is mandatory for all administrations according to french law.
As mentionned by the Gaztte : the state administrations and local authorities need to learn how to incourage the use of public data.
Let's give back to Ceasar, many cities have shared with us their water fountains and a huge part of the waterpoints found on FreeTaps comes from the non-profit organisation Open Street Maps.